Ivey Ranch offers three internship opportunities:

These internships are great for college students who need to complete an internship as part of their college coursework. Interns will be able to apply the knowledge and skills learned during their education while gaining hands-on experience with the populations we serve.

We have served as an internship site for students who are completing their Associate’s, Bachelor’s, and Master’s Degrees. Ivey Ranch is a proud community partner of Mira Costa College, Palomar College, and California State University San Marcos; we have worked with college students from other universities as well. The length of internships vary upon course requirements. Internships can be a semester in length or run over the course of several semesters in the case of preceptors.

Interns will be able to gain field experience with a diverse population of children and adults, special needs, and able-bodied.

While these internships are intended for college students, we have also worked with high school student internships. If you are a high school student interested in an internship, contact us.

Childcare Internship

Childcare Interns engage with our children by playing games, doing puzzles, drawing, singing, dancing, making music, and other indoor and outdoor activities. Childcare Interns assist the teachers with the supervision of children, facilitation of art projects, preparation of daily activities, and classroom set up.

Childcare Interns will serve in our before/after-school childcare center for children ages 5-22 years old with special needs. This opportunity is great for individuals who want to gain experience working with children with special needs in a licensed childcare facility.

Childcare Interns must meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 18 years old.
  • Complete a Childcare Volunteer Application.
  • Submit clear results from a current TB test.
  • Meet with Lead Teacher.
  • Background check (if serving more than 4 hours per week).

Our childcare center is open Monday through Friday mornings, 6:30-8:30 am, and afternoons, 2:30-6:30 pm. Our Childcare Interns typically work 2- 4 hours per week. We are limited in the number of interns we can accept per semester.

If you are interested in completing a Childcare Internship, email us at or call 760-722-4839 to speak with our Volunteer Coordinator.

Equestrian Internship

Equestrian Interns will have the opportunity to assist with our horses and with our clients with special needs.

While our equestrian program has several shifts, we arrange for interns to serve at least once in each of the following areas over the course of their internship:

  • Barn Buddies–Feed and provide water for horses, clean stalls, and occasionally groom horses. Barn Buddies is an excellent introduction to horses and horse care.
  • Grooming Gang—Groom and bathe horses, clean stalls, and equipment maintenance.
  • Lesson Aide–Assist with clients in all aspects of a class: may walk alongside the client and the horse; may learn to lead a horse; can assist with the grooming and turn-out of our horses. This opportunity is excellent for those who want to interact with both the horses and with clients with and without special needs.
  • Saturday Program—involves all aspects of our program.

Equestrian Interns must meet the following requirements:

  • Be at least 14 years old.
  • Complete an Equestrian Volunteer application.
  • Attend a Volunteer Orientation.

Check out our Equine Volunteer Handbook for more information about our program.  If you are interested in completing an Equestrian Internship, email us at or call 760-722-4839 to speak with our Volunteer Coordinator.

2025 Summer Horse Camp Internship

Ivey Ranch Park Association is happy to offer summer internships to teenage students (must be at least 14 years of age by June 27, 2025) and adults, to provide them with an unforgettable work experience inclusive of children, horses, and service practicum. Positions will assist during our Horse Camp between June 30 – July 25, 2025. There will be 5 – 1 week sessions from 9AM to 5PM, Monday – Friday (except for the week of June 30, which will have no camp on Friday, 7/4/2025).

Positions are limited to 15 interns a week. Interns can assist 1 week and up to 4 weeks, but also must be available for Intern Training June 25th from 9AM to 12PM.

Interns will be assisting with camp and lesson attendees ages 5-adult, disabled and able-bodied alike.  Interns will be assisting in a variety of roles including, but not limited to, grooming, tacking, and leading horses during class, assisting in humane education, feeding and watering horses, basic vet care, stable management, and assisting instructors during riding class.  Training will be provided for all positions so interns can be moved between programming when needed.

Interns will need to bring their lunch during the internship period, as well as a refillable water bottle and snacks for breaks they will have throughout the day.

Interns will be provided a Certificate of Recognition for the community service hours they provide as well as a nomination for the President’s Volunteer Service Award (based on age and number of hours of service provided). Their Certificate of Recognition will be presented to them at the Annual Western Hoedown which is scheduled for October 11, 2025.  Interns and a guest are invited to this event. Also, interns may accrue $200 scholarships towards horseback riding instruction for each week of full-time service.

Application and Letters of Recommendation are to be RECEIVED NO LATER THAN SATURDAY, JUNE 7, 2025. 

If you have any questions,  contact our office.