Ivey Ranch Park New Tack & Feed Room (South side of the equestrian facility) and New Hay Barn
The upgrade and expansion of some of our facilities at Ivey Ranch began in 2003, Waste Management was kind enough to provide two box containers for our use. One has served as a feed and storage room – the other as a tack room. Both have served since that time and it is now time to replace them with permanent structures that are also accessible to all program participants. Imagine how great it will be for participants that have wheelchairs, canes, walkers, crutches, or issues traversing stairs the opportunity to get their own grooming boxes, helmets, or tack. That same accessibility will also be available to our volunteers who help in the evening prepare the horse’s feed, supplements, and medications. Inclusion and accessibility – what every part of our program is about! Then, in addition to the new Tack and Feed Room, we will also be constructing a new Hay Barn. The Hay Barn will be on the far northeast portion of our property and will house our truck, horse-trailer, and a full semi-truck and trailer load of hay for the horses. The new Hay Barn will actually help us reduce our feed costs by allowing us to order, and then store, bulk quantities of feed. The reduction of feed costs allows us to put those dollars towards our programs – where the children, adults, and Veterans need it most.
We did it, Ivey Ranch friends! Thanks to YOU, we met our fundraising goal and now have this beautiful new tack room in place! Work has started on the hay barn in the back pasture and should be done by the weekend.
THANK YOU from the Director, the Board of Directors, the staff, and our wonderful roster of horses here at IRPA!
Match Grant Turn Out
Thanks to the Alvin Rhynard Trust, Ivey Ranch received a $50,000 grant towards the new shed row barn. The donor had graciously agreed to donate an additional $50,000 if we could match it! We did thanks County Supervisor, Bill Horn, and you all!
Corporate Partner, Asymtek, a Nordson Company, sponsors the first arena
We would like to thank Asymtek for sponsoring the first of three arenas built as part of the new Equestrian Center. This arena is 100′ x 200′, rectangular, sand-filled, and built out of Life Time Lumber: low maintenance and green, a planet-friendly decision.
On October 4, 2008, employees from Asymtek came out to put the finishing touches on the new arena as well as have an official ribbon cutting. Asymtek’ s generosity allows Ivey Ranch to offer additional therapeutic riding and equestrian lessons to over 150 children and adults each year. We would also like to thank Volunteer San Diego for facilitating this partnership and for the continued support they provide to Ivey Ranch Park.
Foundation Partners, LA84 Foundation & Las Patronas, sponsor the second arena
We would like to thank LA84 Foundation & Las Patronas for sponsoring the second of three arenas built as part of the new Equestrian Center. This arena is 80′ x 140′, oval, sand-filled, and built out of Life Time Lumber (low maintenance and green, a planet-friendly decision). Through the generosity of LA84 and Las Patronas, Ivey Ranch is able to offer additional therapeutic riding and equestrian lessons to over 150 children and adults each year.